One day…
Later, that afternoon, we went out to the garden again to play with our grandparents’ dog, who is called “Raisor”. Immedeatly, we saw that a man was stealing somebodies car in the street!!! I told my brother to go into de house to tell my grandparents what was happening and I opened the garden’s door. Immediately Raisor started to bark and then he went to the street and he bit the man in the leg. He couldn’t escape. In that moment, my grandparents and my brother went out of the house and came to the street with me and Raisor. It all happened so quickly!!! After some minutes, the owner of the car appeard. We were surprised when we discovered that the owner of the car was “Francisco Nante”. He congratulated us for stopping the criminal and he gave us some autographs. We never saw him again!!!